
You see many opportunities when you look at your herd. For example, ways to improve their well-being and optimize their performance. And you understand how optimal breeding and care can increase their longevity and make your farm more sustainable.

Safeguard animal welfare cow comfort, milk production, reproduction, youngstock and lifetime production.

Which steps are you going to take?

The best way to milk cows

Lely Astronaut

The Lely Astronaut highly motivates the cow for milking. This is one of the reasons why cows milked by the Lely Astronaut simply do better.

Cows that need attention

Lely Horizon

The sooner you know when to take care of a cow the better. The Lely Horizon, our farm management platform, can tell which cows really require attention at a glance.

Clean floors, mobile cows

Lely Discovery Barn Cleaners

Keeping barn floors clean is essential for clean and healthy hooves and optimal cow mobility. Small robots can more easily reach the difficult areas in the barn and clean them.

25 Years dairy automation

The era of dairy automation truly took off when Lely started with robotic milking. Lives have been changed, animal welfare has improved and farming efficiency has been reinvented. 25 years dairy automation also means that a whole generation has grown up with the benefits of this new technology.
