"Atlantis was based on providing each cow with her own ration, depending on individual feeding needs, and would not only contribute to an optimal health and energy balance but also have a positive effect on milk production", says Karel van den Berg, former Director of Lely Technologies. "We learned an awful lot on cow behaviour, providing us with valuable information used in the development of other Lely innovations. For instance: the first, round set-up made the cows repel each other too much, which did not benefit cow welfare - and thus milk production. Not knowing what feed the neighbour was having, caused unrest. A typical case of fear that the grass might be greener at the neighbour’s place!”
In 2012 the production of Atlantis was stopped; the results envisaged in terms of cow comfort and milk production were not achieved. Karel: “We managed to redirect our thoughts on individual feeding into adding value to group feeding. In fact, before we decided to discontinue Atlantis, we already started thinking out our current Vector line. The Vector feed grabber, for instance, is based on that of the Atlantis."