In close cooperation since 1999

Our farmers inspire us every day; and many of them have been doing so for many years. Such as the family owned Brambilla farm in Zibido San Giacomo (Milan). We started working together back in 1999 and have seen their livestock grow to 140 Friesian cows today!  
The farm’s story begins way before 1999. In 1960, Francesco Brambilla decided to move from Milan to the small countryside town Zibido San Giacomo. He bought a local farm and soon became a pioneer in his sector when he decided to install a milking parlor while every other farmer back then was still milking by hand.  

In 1975, Francesco’s daughters Vittoria and Valeria Brambilla joined their father and set their first steps into the farming life. Soon, they decided to expand the farm by building new structures, thus increasing the barn surface since the number of livestock was rapidly growing.  

As said, Lely technology was introduced at the Brambilla farm in 1999. The first two Lely Astronauts (A2, series 20) were the first ever installed in Italy! These Astronauts were replaced by two A3Next models in 2011, allowing more efficient labor use until the present day. In 2021, the Lely Discovery Collector was added, contributing to cleaner stable floors.  

The Lely solutions have allowed the farmer to no longer require any external workforces; all manual labor is managed by the family members alone. Time and people who were previously dedicated to milking the cows can now focus on other farm activities.  

Automation has not only allowed the Brambilla family to work more efficiently, but also to diversify their business and to focus on even expanding the business. Since 2007, they opened a farm store for consumers to buy products, such as rice and cheese. The cheeses sold in this store are now even self-produced in the inhouse cheese factory. The farm has also become an educational institution where children can go and see the farm animals. And there are now even plans to open a bed and breakfast!  
The Brambilla farm is determined to remain focused on innovation, especially when it comes to intelligent machines. They are convinced that when the heaviest duties are carried out by machines, much more time can be spent on other, valuable activities. 
