New generation brings new technology
The history of the family owned Feldhaus farm in the German town Grafeld dates back to as early as 1968. Originally started as a pig farm, the first barn for housing 100 cows was built in the late 60s of the last century. Back in those days, milking was still done by hand in the milking parlour.
“My father milked in the parlour for over thirty years and you could see the wear and tear on him”, current farmer Ludger Feldhaus recalls. “In 1998, the first Lely milking robot was installed at our farm; a Lely Astronaut A2. I always say: it is easier to replace technology than people!”
A good sign, proving that the Feldhaus farm foresees a future in automatic milking!
For an insight in the current Feldhaus farm and how they use the Lely Astronaut, watch this video (German language only).