Fourth-generation dairy farm: Gasser Farm

Our first client of our Center Agri-Robotique in Canada was a farmer on a fourth-generation family business called Gasser Farm. A farmer with 220 Holstein cows near Pike River. In 2007, this farmer already had 3 other milking robots. After trying a Lely for several years, he replaced his old robots for 4 Lely milking robots. Currently, this farmer milks more than 300 cows at multiple locations with 6 Lely milking robots. Quite a success story!

They went from a barn with a milking parlour to adding other robots and then making the leap to Lely robots. At the moment they are high-performance producers! Next to that, they own about 1,000 hectares of hay, soybeans, corn and wheat. Given the size of their business, efficiency is paramount.

Fire in the hay barn
In 2023, like many producers and dairy farms in Canada, the Gasser Farm suffered a fire in the dry hay barn. A tough period for the family business, but fortunately this did not affect the dairy farm or the animals. And it did not affect the future ambitions of Gasser Farm.

Future ambitions
The people of Gasser Farm always seek for improvements to the facilities to achieve better productions results for their farm. To maximize the work of the robots, they collaborate with a number of different professionals, such as nutritionists, to optimize cow comfort and obtain the best possible milk.

Despite modifications over the years, the fact remains that space in old dairy barn is limited, and that there is a lack of ventilation. This is something the Gasser Farm sees as an opportunity for the future. They want the best for their cows and business. Let's see what the future holds for this farm, and how it can achieve its goals in the future.

In the photo of the Gasser Farm, from left to right: Peter Neville, Ricky Gasser (son), Éric Gasser (father), David Gasser (son), Sascha Marini a shareholder and Delphine Bapts. One person is missing from the photo: Christian Gasser.

