Fielding Open Farm Day

Feb. 28, 2024
360 Masters Rd, South Riana
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

On February 28th, Darren and Michael Fielding in South Riana are hosting an Open Farm Day. Explore their innovative dairy operation featuring 6 Lely Astronaut milking robots. Don't miss this unique opportunity! Registration is required to attend.


Following the installation of milking robots in 2022, construction commenced for the new farm in November of the same year. Since June 2023, the Fielding family has been operating with their 6 Lely Astronaut A5 milking robots, efficiently milking approximately 350 Holstein Friesian cows. Don't miss your chance to witness this cutting-edge operation firsthand. Register for the Open Farm Day using the form below to ensure we can provide the right amount of food and drinks for the event.

Register here for the Fielding Open Farm Day


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Meet the Fielding family
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Address details

Open Farm Day

at the Fielding family

360 Masters rd
South Riana
TAS 7316

Plan route

Automatic milking

something for you?

More flexibility, freedom of choice for yourself and your cows while being animal friendly, work efficiently and controlling costs. 

Automatic milking introduces a new routine on your farm, providing greater flexibility, enhanced efficiency, and a better work-life balance. It also allows your cows to follow their own rhythm at all times.
