Lely will demonstrate the dairy farm management of the future at Eurotier

At Eurotier, Lely will demonstrate the Lely T4C InHerd mobile farm management system for smartwatch and Google Glass—a watch and a pair of glasses with a small screen for apps. By using this advanced hardware in the future, farm managers will be able to keep their hands free and have the T4C InHerd tools with all the necessary information to hand at all times.

Oct. 31, 2014


Both the smartwatch and the Google Glass are running right now as prototypes with a few farm managers to test them out in practice.

Lely is greatly committed to the T4C management software and to giving support to farm managers through the Farm Management Support department. Lely’s knowledge and experience in the field of dairy farm automation is reflected in the T4C (Time for Cows) software. Lely’s vision is for the farm manager to always be able to access relevant business, cow and system information to ensure that the right decisions are being made.

Sending a cow to the medical area by simply speaking into your glasses may sound futuristic but it certainly could be a possibility. The InHerd applications on smartwatch and Google Glass products give us an insight into the future. Lely closely monitors developments in the field of hardware to ensure that they always provide farm managers with the most practical solutions.

The Lely T4C InHerd management system introduced last year was a big step forward in the area of user-friendly farm management. InHerd is the mobile version of the Lely T4C management system. This is the only management system specifically developed for automated milking and is already being used by over ten thousand farm managers worldwide. More than one thousand are already successfully using the practical T4C InHerd on a smartphone. The Lely T4C InHerd tools for smartphones mean that farm managers are no longer bound to their PC to get the right information, enter data or control the milking robot.

T4C InHerd for smartwatch will be available to purchase soon. The availability of InHerd for Glass will depend on the availability of the hardware and on its continued development.

For farm managers, Lely’s T4C software means that choosing Lely represents much more than just choosing an automated milking or feeding system. It means choosing a simple and efficient way of managing their farm. T4C has a simple user interface and it is intuitive to help farm managers lead a successful business by being able to make the right decisions with the benefit of the relevant data.


Lely T4C InHerd for Google Glass (English)