About our webinar series

Begining in September of 2020, the team at Lely Oceania produced informative videos that focused on different elements of robotic milking and ways it could work on your farm. These webinars have had a variety of different hosts, ranging from industry experts to knowledgeable members of our technical support team. 

  • 07-09-2020 - Common Misconception about AMS Farming
  • 05-10-2020 - An A5 Milking Robot is as Easy to Use as a Smart Phone
  • 23-11-2020 - Farm Layout and Infastructure
  • 07-12-2020 - Pasture Management in AMS
  • 05-01-2021 - Optimising AMS by getting the fundementals right: The Tips for succsess in AMS farming
  • 05-02-2021 - Key Operational Considerations for AMS Farming
  • 16-03-2021 - Mastitis Detection in AMS - How it works and how effective is it? (Part One)
  • 22-04-2021 - Mastitis Detection in AMS - How it works and how effective is it? (Part Two)


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The first five webinars are open for public

The first five webinars are now open for the public, along with new ones being released once a month.
