More milk in the tank with less effort
More milk in the tank with less effort
Optimal feed efficiency for a healthy and productive herd
Optimal barn design for optimal cow health
‘Labour has been a big issue and that’s one of the reasons we put in the robots – labour is hard to find and hard to keep.’
‘The robots have made it possible to enjoy other parts of our lives.’
‘The free-flow design has enhanced the herd’s lifestyle and increased overall comfort.’
‘The cows are free to do whatever they want, when they want.’
Managing herd health is an on-going responsibility for dairy farmers requiring labour, specialized knowledge and constant vigilance. Udder care, in particular, can be time consuming and have a significant impact on milk yields and herd health.
Careful consideration of factors including cow comfort, barn flow and labor organization help farmers considering Lely automation make informed decisions regarding new construction or retro-fit build options. Lely automated dairy systems are designed to maximize cow comfort and minimize cow touches. These considerations, however, extend beyond the robot.
Lely is developing a possible solution, which has the potential to increase the value of milk and strengthen links with consumers. It is a fair, direct, and pure way to increase the value of your herd’s milk. The concept is an on-farm dairy processor, the Lely Orbiter – a system that makes processing milk on the farm affordable, practical, safe and, above all, profitable.
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