Lely introduces obstacle detection sensors for the Vector feeding robot

The Lely Vector feeding robot is supplied to customers equipped with a fully integrated impact detection bumper. As soon as the bumper senses an obstruction, the machine will stop. With the new obstacle detection sensors, the machine will also stop before it collides with any restrictions in its path. The sensors further increase the safety of people and animals on the farm, and can also prevent damage to vehicles that are parked along the route of the feeding robot.

Feb. 25, 2020


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The sensors are mounted in the front bumper and will stop the feeding robot as soon as they detect an obstacle within 1 and 0,5 metres of the machine. As soon as the road becomes clear, the feeding robot automatically resumes its route. During feed dispensing and pushing, the obstacle detection sensors switch off to prevent cows at the feed fence from stopping the machine.

The obstacle detection sensors can be retro-fitted to the second-generation Lely Vector feeding robots. For more information, please contact your local Lely Center.
