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Milking robots - improving the unit’s all-round efficiency
Before I installed the robots it took up to four hours to milk in the old parlour. I needed hired help which added up to two full labour units. Now I can run the entire herd with one part time person which helps to reduce costs.
“I knew the cows had potential to produce more milk, however I was surprised by how good the results have been. Feed efficiency has gone from 0.43 kg per litre to 0.37 kg per litre and yields have increased from around 29 litres to 34 litres. I expect the herd to gain one or two more litres this winter"
“Cows have a more even body condition and with the reproduction technology monitoring the cows every 20 minutes, fertility is also improving, it’s also very useful for picking up silent heats. The rumination and cell counter features will quickly identify any cows that have started to become sick allowing early treatment with better success"
“I’ve also installed four Lely Cosmix out of parlour feeders and the Juno feed pusher. I use the out of parlour feeders to top up higher yielding cows. The Juno helps keep feed pushed up every two hours. I can see the cows going forward to the feed fence when the Juno passes. It does maximise feed intake and efficiency"
“I aim to keep 230 to 240 cows milking on the robots all year round. The cows are well trained and milking well so I currently only collect five to six cows per day, there’s usually a good reason such as lameness or cows away bulling. I feel through the advanced Lely technology, I have a greater individual and in depth knowledge of my cows"
“All jobs around the yard can be done in about five hours a day by one person, I definitely don’t miss the parlour. I’ve all these benefits plus my cost of production per litre is actually lower” concluded Alan.