Improving Farm Productivity grant

The Improving Farm Productivity grant allows you to invest in innovative farming equipment that increases productivity and improves the environment. I applies to our Lely Astronaut automatic milking system and Lely Vector automatic milking system,

The grant can pay up to 40% of the costs for robotic equipment and has two stages:

  • Check if you are eligible - Opens 19th January 2022 - Closes 16th March 2022
  • Full application - Opens 19th January 2022 - Closes 14th September 2022

Find out more

Submit your details below and a member of our team will contact you to advise on the best options applicable for this grant to your farm.

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Lely Astronaut

The new milestone in milking

Automatic milking introduces a new routine on your farm, provides greater flexibility, enhanced efficiency, and a better work-life balance. This routine means that you're in control. You decide what your day-to-day management involves. It also allows your cows to follow their own rhythm at all times.

Lely Vector

Automatic feeding is ready for you

Increase the efficiency and profitability of your feed strategy by feeding your cows more often. More frequent feeding stimulates frequent eating day and night, which means cows ingest more fodder. This has a positive impact on animal health, fertility and production, and also benefits your bottom line.
