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Lely Center Eglish's expert team have been hosting a series of webinars, covering everything you need to know about robotic milking.

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Robotic milking systems makes your life easier!

On 8th of July we visited the farm of Mark Cunningham, Aghadowey. We discussed how Mark gets 10,233kg (305/day) from grass with his two Astronaut A4 robotic milking systems.

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Remarkable pedigree herd of Jersey cows!

On 29th July we revisited Potterswalls Jerseys who are projected to do 8000ltrs at 6% fat and 3.9% butterfat.

Available now

Virtual Open Day of Ian and Hazel Telford Farm

Virtual open day on Thursday, the 19th November 2020. Hazel and Ian Telford, from Fintona Co Tyrone are milking 175 cows through 3 Lely A5 robots as well as low yielders through a 16 point parlour. Their use of technology has meant that most of the daily routine can be completed with 1 labor unit while still maintaining a yield of 10,000L. Register to watch this webinar to hear how Hazel and Ian are able to achieve these results

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Young farmers chose to work with robotic milking systems!

George and David Simpson have built a shed and milking system that will allow them to maximise the genetics of their pedigree Holstein herd. They are currently running 60 high yielding mixed lacation cows on one A5. The cows year round average 40L which means the robot is able to produce 2400L daily.
