Lely T4C 3.6 Advanced filters

In Lely T4C 3.6 a new feature has been implemented so that more advanced lists and routing settings can be created. With this option it is possible to combine different criteria within one list. For example, a reproduction checklist can be created that includes both cows for pregnancy check and cows over fifty days into lactation that have not been seen in heat.

Management, T4C & InHerd


Several default filter groups, which can be edited, have been created. In addition, new filter groups can be created. A filter group can be made by using different filter sets; each filter set has its own title and criteria. 

Figure 1: where to find advanced filters in Lely T4C

How to set an advanced filter
In figure 2 we explain the different possibilities and what they mean.

Figure 2: what is what within advanced filters

A: The filter group name is the title, which comes back in the routing and reporting selection.
B: Based on the filter sets, this number indicates the number of cows that will be on the report or that will be routed if this filter group is used. Eventually via I, Save and View Report, the cow numbers can be seen. 
C: The filter set title. This filter set title can be edited. On a report using the 'filter group', the reason why a cow is on the report is also displayed. The filter set title will be displayed as the reason. 
D: With this button it is possible to expand or collapse the details of the filter set.
E: The filter set details can be set. Note also the AND/OR functionality in front. This can give an extra benefit by creating the filter sets.
F/G/H/I: Options for copying, exporting and saving a filter group. 

The filter groups can be used for reports or routing tasks. This gives perfect flexibility and the option of reducing the number of reports used, thus providing a clearer overview.

Figure 3: in ‘Report 34 - Reproduction check’ we use the filter group ‘Repro-checklist’ by default

Practical example
For a more optimal use of the automatic routing possibilities the filter groups are useful, for example if you want to route cows in heat automatically but without the cows in their first fifty days in lactation (see figure 4).

Figure 4: setting up a routing task based on the ‘Routing – cows in heat’ advanced filter

With this new feature more advanced lists and routing settings can be created, enabling a farmer to combine different criteria in one report. According to one of the validation farmers in The Netherlands, he saves 30 minutes per week because of using the advanced filters.

Lely Farm Management Support
