Your story. Our farmers. Together we work on solutions that you can use. We have collected the stories of these proud farmers and hope to inspire you with that. Are you curious? Let us know and we will be happy to show it in real life!
Featured stories
Animal health
"“The robots give you valuable information and allow you to use your hours in a more proactive way; analysing health and production trends.”"
Animal health
"“The parlour had been in for 37 years and had come to the end of its life. It was becoming increasingly difficult to find staff to milk and our workman was retiring. I have always loved new technology and my brother went to the Netherlands to see robotic farms. We already had the renewables and knew how important good back-up was and Lely seemed an obvious choice,” explains Aled."
"Everything is a lot more flexible. I can feed the cows whenever I want to. I can do things when convenient. I spend more time managing the cows rather than doing the physical jobs behind them."
"The Juno saved us enough in man power and fuel to have covered its running costs for the next five years. That’s an incredible return on investment."
Housing and caring
"The Collector is doing such a tremendous job, after just six months in working action, I really couldn’t do without it."
"Within a couple of weeks we noticed the cows were calmer and quieter. They are definitely happier cows.”