Celebrated at Glen South Farm’s dairy-bred finishing unit.

23rd of August 2024


2014 saw the innovative step into the future for Glen South, introducing a Lely Vector automatic feeding system, the first of its kind for beef cattle in Europe.

Please join us on August 23rd on Glen South Farm to learn more about the Lely Vector and the crucial role it plays in finishing 1500 head of dairy beef cattle per year and maximising live weight gain - bullocks averaging 1.7KG and heifers 1.5KG,  all while saving on fuel and labour

We are also delighted to have some of the key stakeholders in the daily operations at Glen South speak on the day.

Speakers: Derrick Davies - Product Specialist at Lely Atlantic, Ciarán Conway - Devenish Nutrition, Tom Vaughan - Strand Street Vets, Donie Lucey - Critical Emergency Medical Response, Q&A with Áine Sweeney - Glen South Farm Manager.

We are also delighted to be having a charity raffle in aid of Critical Emergency Medical Response (https://criticalcharity.ie/) on the day. CRITICAL Volunteers respond to 999/112 calls for patients who suffer from serious medical issues like cardiac arrest, stroke, choking, and seizures, or serious traumas like road, farming, school and workplace accidents, and falls.

24.04.24 - Speer Farm, Ballybocurragh

Aine Sweeney

Date: 23rd of August 2024

Time: 12pm - 2pm

Farm name & address: Glen South Farm, Cork, P51 WD23

"Aine Sweeney is farm manager on Glen South and cannot praise the Lely Vector enough. “It makes for a calm, stress-free environment. "There’s no competition at the feed fence and every single animal has the same opportunity, even the shy ones feel sufficiently confident to come up to eat" 

Aine feels the time she saves in feeding the cattle each day enables her to spend more time on other areas of animal husbandry while halving the amount of labour needed on the farm. 

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Learn more about...

Lely Astronaut in action

Lely Astronaut A5

Automatic milking as it should be, giving you the time to enjoy farming while having total control over your herd. Providing the best usability, accessibility and serviceability, all in one system

Lely Vector - How does it work

Automatic Feeding System

The best feed strategy for optimal milk and meat production is to provide a fresh, measured and properly mixed ration eight times a day. With the Vector, each group of animals receives the appropriate ration several times a day.
