Coffee time

So who are these experts? Read here below their track record and why they are experts on this topic.

Erik Hendriks

Head of Product Development Consumables

"Gday, I am Erik Hendriks, 64 years of age, married and 3 adult children. My background is food technology and many years of experience in food processing hygiene, bio security and hygiene in milk processing at the farm. Working with chemicals runs like a red thread through my life. Today I am head of R&D Consumables at Lely. My whole life I have been dealing with all kind of chemicals. I have seen the results of careless behavior, handling chemicals without knowledge and misunderstandings. Safety in handling (dangerous) chemicals requires constant repetition to which I hope to contribute."

Hicham Ben Yessef

Chemical Safety & Compliance Professional

"Hello, my name is Hicham Ben Yessef, 38 years old, married and have 2 children. I am a chemist with 16 years experience and have been working in the field of petrochemicals, detergents, fragrances, aviation maintenance, and hazardous waste. I am currently working at Lely as a Chemical Safety & Compliance Professional. Throughout my working life, I have noticed that there are many misconceptions about harmful chemicals in products. My biggest concern are people who are not sufficiently capable to understand the risks of harmful chemicals. This has nothing to do with the level of education!"

Blog with chemical experts

Blog 1 "The label" 07/02/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘How do you recognize chemicals? What do those H and P sentences mean? And what else does it say on the label? Read it now in blog 1 “The label”.’

Blog 1 "The label"
Blog 2 “Safety data sheet” 21/02/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘What is a Safety data sheet? Where can you find it? And what are chemical charts? Read it now in blog 2 “Safety data sheet”.’

Blog 2 “Safety data sheet”
Blog 3 “Transport of dangerous goods” 07/03/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘Transport, receiving and moving dangerous goods. How do you arrange it? Read it now in blog 3 “Transport of dangerous goods”.’

Blog 3 “Transport of dangerous goods”
Blog 4 “Storage of dangerous goods” 21/03/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘Did you know that there are different rules for transportation of dangerous goods then for storage on the farm? And what is so important about proper storage? Read it now in blog 4 “Storage of dangerous goods”.’

Blog 4 “Storage of dangerous goods”
Blog 5 “Storage of dangerous goods - 2” 04/04/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘What are spill pallets? Why should they be present in every chemical storage room? And how much capacity do you need? Find out more in blog 5 “Storage of dangerous goods”.’

Blog 5 “Storage of dangerous goods - 2”
Blog 6 “Specific characteristics” 18/04/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘Why are Lely’s udder care products packed in grey packaging? And what does this have to do with specific characteristics? Read more in blog 6 “Specific characteristics”.’

Blog 6 “Specific characteristics”
Blog 7 “Personal Protection” 02/05/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘What kind of personal protection equipment do you use? What is recommended? And what is mandatory? Read more about it now in blog 7 “Personal protection”.’

Blog 7 “Personal Protection”
Blog 8 “How to deal with incidents” 16/05/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘Learn from the stories of others and ensure to always work consciously when handling dangerous goods. Find out more now in blog 8 “How to deal with incidents”.’

Blog 8 “How to deal with incidents”
Blog 9 "Pictograms & classification" 30/05/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘Why are chemicals labelled with pictograms and symbols? Maybe you recognise some of them from the products in your kitchen cupboard? Read more in Blog 9 “Pictograms & classification”.’

Blog 9 "Pictograms & classification"
Blog 10 "Environment" 13/06/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘How do you deal with the spillage, disposal and packaging of hazardous goods? And how is all this related to the environment? Find out now in Blog 10 “Environment”.’

Blog 10 "Environment"
Blog 11 "Biocide" 27/06/2022 Erik Hendriks & Hicham Ben Yessef

‘What exactly are biocides? And, if you’re a customer, how do you know if a product actually does what it says it will? Find out now in Blog 11 “Biocide”.’

Blog 11 "Biocide"

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Every farmer in the world has to make decisions daily for their farm. Choices both for themselves and their business. But they do not need to do this on their own. They have the help of advisors to find the right solutions and steer their business in the right direction.

More and more of you are choosing Lely as a long-term partner. That is because every day our products and services allow you to take another step towards your desired results. We are by your side with the right people, who are skilled and highly trained.
