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Designed to suit the needs of your cows and farm - click on the below to talk to a representative of your local Lely Center to find out more about the Lely Calm and how it can help you achieve your farming goals.
"Moo-ving through the life of a cow" is a dedicated podcast channel where we focus on key stages throughout the journey of a dairy cow. This series we will answer key questions sent in to us and will also explore the impact of automation has on different stages of a cow's life.
Episode one‘Mike Steele BSc (Hons), BVSc, MRCVS, Farm Management Support Lead at Lely Atlantic and a colleague discuss the calving stage and how the Lely Calm can help with optimal growth and development from calf to dairy cow’
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Episode two‘Deciding when to wean a calf is an important part of its development. Listen to this episode where we discuss how you can avoid growth checks and disruption to a calf’s future development by considering some key aspects.’
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To find out more about the Lely Calm calf feeder. If you are pursuit of a sustainable cow with a high lifetime production must first optimise the rearing of young cattle.
The Lely Calm automatic calf feeder guarantees the optimal growth and development of these young animals. Calves can still enjoy their natural behaviour and drink whenever they want, in a controlled way, while labour is reduced to the minimum. After all, today's calves are tomorrow's high performance cows One of the most important aspects of the Lely Calm automatic calf feeder's benefits is the labour saving. Labour availability is becoming more and more important on dairy farms. Farmers and their workers will have to improve efficiency even further to be able to achieve a reasonable income and the calf rearing is an area where often some very large savings can be made. One of the biggest savings is the reduction of time for milk preparation and the actual feeding of the milk.
Designed to suit the needs of your cows and farm - click on the below to talk to a representative of your local Lely Center to find out more about the Lely Calm and how it can help you achieve your farming goals.
The Calm calf feeder works from a central unit, which prepares the milk and distributes it to a drinking station where the calf will receive her portion.
Cleaning is another feature; no more cleaning of all the buckets. The Calm feeder can be equipped with an automatic cleaning kit. Due to the central feeding alley compared to feeding roughage per pen this time is reduced as well.
The Calm calf feeder will also drastically reduce management time, which is done by the exception reports and alerts you will receive from the process controller.
Some considerable additional benefits can come from the extra time available for observation of the calves.
Click below to watch a customer testimonial on how the Lely Calm has helped their farm.
The Lely Astronaut A5 is the new milestone in milking. It's an evolution that incorporates everything we have learnt over the past 25 years since we invented automatic milking. We looked at our cows, we listened to our customers and we stuck to proven practices, but we also completely redesigned every bit of the system.
Ten years ago, we installed the first Vector feeding system. Since then through our continuous effort on hardware and software improvements we have matured the system and made sure that our customers are satisfied with its performance. Click below for more details.