Research – Performance of beef cattle farms after implementation of Lely Vector

From February until June 2018, Inge Vis and Anouk Andriessen, two students of Aeres Hogeschool Dronten, executed a research on the performance of beef cattle farms in the Netherlands, Ireland, France and Italy after implementation of the Lely Vector. Within these four months, they visited twelve beef cattle farms and discussed the differences noticed by the farmer before and after the implementation of Lely Vector.



Main conclusions:
1.    After implementation 61% of the farmers experienced timesaving to feed their animals. The ‘not indicated’ percentage is of the farms that had the Lely Vector for a short time. It was too early to draw a conclusion for them. 

timesaving to feed graph (EN).png

2.    50% of the farmers observed an increased growth of their calves in comparison with the normal growth of the calves. 

growth after implementation Lely Vector (EN).png

3.    The quality of the meat of the calves increased at least one score or higher for 50% of the farmers.

4.    The farmers observed that their calves were more relaxed.

5.    The farmers experienced more flexibility to schedule their day.

6.    85% of the farmers recommend Lely Vector to other farmers.

Overall, we can conclude from this research that the Lely Vector has a positive effect on the farms. Moreover, the farmers explained they were satisfied with the Lely Vector even though this was not possible to validate yet.  
