With the Lely Grazeway selection box or the Lely Astronaut milking robot, when the cows are given permission to go out to pasture, they are recognised and registered upon going outdoors. When they return to the barn, the cows pass through the Grazeway R, which again recognises and registers them. The loop antenna on the Grazeway R recognises the cows’ movements from any position. This means that cows can file inside smoothly and easily.
Easy and reliable registration
With the Lely Grazeway R, farmers have access to reliable and valuable information on grazing and grazing time. The system shows data on when the cows spend the most time outdoors, what plots they prefer to visit, when they go inside, which ones easily go outdoors and which ones perhaps need some extra training. The Grazeway R also provides additional data on the availability of fresh pasture and the behaviour of the cows when visiting the milking robot. These data are used to make management decisions with respect to grazing.
The Grazeway R is available from the beginning of 2018. Any farmers who are interested can contact their local Lely Center for more information.