Lely ceases development of Agrimodem

Lely have today announced they will not further invest in a manure refining system known as Agrimodem. In 2011 Lely made public they intended to bring this product to market through a joint venture with GET, Green Energy Technologies, but they have now decided to focus on other manure refinement opportunities.

June 22, 2015


Lely initially focused on developing renewable energy concepts, but gradually this focus has shifted throughout the process. Alexander van der Lely comments: 'We will continue our search for solutions in reducing carbon emissions in dairy farming. We had to conclude that within the boundaries we had set: no co-digestion, systems that are economically feasible without subsidy and with a minimum input from the operators (farmers), we have not been able to develop a working concept.

All our solutions must however be in line with our Lely vision and must therefore be enjoyable, sustainable as well as profitable for farmers. As the Agrimodem doesn't tick all those boxes at this moment we will not further invest in this particular system and continue our search for alternative solutions."
