A token of appreciation

On 12 October it is Farmers' Day, also called Thank a Farmer Day! As we can celebrate our 75th anniversary this year, thanks to our farmers, we feel it is important to shine an extra spotlight on them. 

Throughout October, we will share stories from farmers around the world on our social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook from the Global pages of Lely @LelyGroup

Join us and stay updated on everything related to #thankafarmer on this webpage.

Farmer stories

Social wall

Share your farmer story & win a Lely beanie!

Are you a farmer? Share your farmer story, about yourself, your farm and/ or your animals, & win a Lely beanie!

1. Share a picture of your life as a farmer
2. Include that hashtag #thankafarmer
3. And tag us @Lelygroup

We'll repost your story on our Lely pages, Instagram and Facebook.
Every farmer who participates before the end of October receives a warm Lely beanie as a thank-you gift.

Check out what other farmers have shared!













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Automatic milking

something for you?

More flexibility, freedom of choice for yourself and your cows while being animal friendly, work efficiently and controlling costs. 

Automatic milking introduces a new routine on your farm, providing greater flexibility, enhanced efficiency, and a better work-life balance. It also allows your cows to follow their own rhythm at all times.
