Lely announces change in ownership and work force in Wolfenbüttel

Today Lely has informed its employees about its acquisition of the minority interest of Vermeer Corporation to obtain full ownership of the Wolfenbüttel factory. In addition, Lely announced at the occasion its intent to restructure the factory operations. As a result of challenging market circumstances and the need for a more efficient mode of operations, the ownership of the plant has changed and the size of its workforce will be adjusted in line with market demand.

Sept. 29, 2016


Aside from taking full ownership of the factory (formerly known as Lely Vermeer Machinenfabrik GmbH). Lely and Vermeer have accordingly transformed their partnership in development, production and distribution of agricultural forage harvesting machines to a commercial supplier relationship.

Currently Lely investigates the possibilities to improve production time, raise the efficiency and reduce the costs at the Wolfenbüttel location as sales of agricultural equipment are expected to further decrease during the next season.

As a result Lely anticipates to reduce approximately 20% of Wolfenbüttel workforce to meet decreasing market demand. The employees and trade unions have been informed and negotiations with among other the Wolfenbüttel Works Council (“Betriebsrat”) have started last week. Lely will do its utmost to support the employees affected by acting as a caring and responsible employer.

All the above steps are taken to strengthen the plant’s future as a highly regarded center of forage production at the Lely Group.

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