Emissions also have a negative impact on the environment. That is why international environmental covenants set ceilings for a maximum level of emissions that may be released into the atmosphere. These ceilings will eventually influence the future and development of dairy farms worldwide. Therefore, minimising ammonia emissions is becoming increasingly important for the future of dairy farming.

The emission of ammonia naturally occurs quickly after the cow urinates. Enzymes, present in the faeces, increase that natural process. Fortunately, this loss can be converted into value by controlling the environment where the losses occur. Lely Sphere captures the ammonia emissions and converts them into circular fertilisers.

The floor acts as a reversed extractor hood

Because the floor is almost closed, it is possible to create negative pressure in the pit. This prevents ammonia from rising from the manure pit into the barn. The negative pressure also creates an air flow from the barn to the pit. The small amount of ammonia that forms above the floor is therefore extracted via the perforated separation strips. The floor acts as a reversed extractor hood and needs relatively little ventilation capacity compared to many other solutions with air washers.

The Lely Sphere N-Capture is installed on the mixing pit located outside the barn. This means that Lely Sphere can be used with many existing barns. The N-Capture creates a ventilation flow that directs the air from the manure pit and barn through the filter package in the N-Capture. The air movement under the floor stimulates the ammonia emissions in the manure pit, so that you can capture extra nitrogen.

The Lely Discovery 120 Collector cleans up the faeces and dumps them in a dumping location. This dumping location has a siphon, allowing it to maintain negative pressure in the pit. You can choose to store the faeces separately from the urine. This offers additional possibilities for the optimal use of the various mineral streams. In that case, frequent mixing is required.

Housing and caring

An animal-friendly and productive environment contributes to optimal cow health and well-being. It also lengthens the lactation cycle. By choosing the best and most comfortable design for your barn with the right resources you can improve cow health. Milk yield also increases and costs go down.
