In 2020, Jerry, Larry and Jared Capko were feeding their almost 80 calves with bottles and pails for the first 2 weeks, then transferring them to an auto-feeder. They decided to make a change because they were experiencing ventilation issues and the animals were starting to get overcrowded.

As of February 2021, they have a brand new calf barn with room for 100 calves, including Schaefer fans and ADC positive air tubes. They installed 2 Holm & Laue calf feeders to make feeding easier. Jared said, "We like that the H&L feeders have 2 mixing bowls, which mean both stations can be fed at the same time. The hygiene capabilities are top-of-the-line, and we feel that's important for our calves. Beyond that, the superior ventilation we now have in the barn is a big perk! It's great to have all our calves in one location to be able to give them the best care."

Images and videos of this project
