Black Cat Dairy-

  • 8 Lely A5 Astronauts
  • 1 Lely Juno
  • 2 Lely Discovery 120 Collector
  • 1 Lely Calf Calm Feeder
  • 8 Lely Luna Brushes
  • 510 cows being milked

Jason Leedle is the fourth-generation owner and operator of Black Cat Dairy, running the operation with the help of his wife Lindsey and parents Tom and Jennifer. Prior to installing Lely automated dairy systems, Jason was looking for ways to double the size of his herd while at the same time reducing necessary labor and ensuring reliable milking.

After touring multiple dairies and investigating the leading robotic equipment manufacturers, Jason says his decision to go with Lely was due to faster connection times and cleaner operating environments. In 2012 they built a new milking parlor and installed eight Lely Astronaut A4 robotic milking systems. After seeing the impact Lely robots had on their operation, lifestyle and profitability, just eight years later they upgraded all their robots to the latest generation Lely Astronaut A5 robotic milking systems.

Images and videos of this project
