Vosberg Farms, Inc-
- 2 Lely A5 Astronauts
- 115 cows being milked
Vosberg Farms is a fourth-generation dairy, founded 110 years ago as a traditional 22-stall stanchion barn. As new members of the family took the reins, they increased capacity to 58 stalls in the stanchion barn and began considering methods to reduce their reliance on labor, increase efficiency and achieve better work-life balance. The answer to these questions came in the form of Lely automated dairy systems.
In 2022 the Vosbergs added on to an existing freestall barn, installing two Lely Astronaut A5 robotic milking systems. The effects were visible almost immediately, with the family reporting they’re finished on the farm by 5pm without the help of additional labor. The Lely milking robots afford them more flexibility in their day, allowing them to focus on higher value tasks while also seeing production increases.