Introduction of the Lely Meteor App

Improving hoof health and thus enhancing animal well-being and farm economics are the most important goals of the Lely Meteor total approach*. The combination of the automation tools, consumables and Farm Management knowledge makes Lely Meteor unique and successful in achieving optimal hoof health. In order to be able to register and analyse the location and severity of disorders per hoof in detail, the Lely Meteor App has been introduced.

Management, T4C & InHerd, Cow health


Why the Lely Meteor App?

Firstly, the Meteor App is for hoof trimmers to register all lesions and treatments, per cow and per hoof, during trimming. In addition, a bandage or a hoof block and – if necessary – a reminder for follow-up can be set. This full registration and follow-up is crucial in order to reduce hoof disorders effectively.

How to get the Lely Meteor App

The Lely Meteor App can be downloaded for free from the App store on IOS devices. After downloading, registration is required. If you already have the FarmVisit App, you can use these credentials. If you do not have this account you can register easily. With your unique Advisor ID you are able to connect with Lely T4C. Once connected, you will have access to the cows in the Meteor App**.

After registering and setting up the connection, the cows are visible in the Meteor App. This can be a complete list of a group of cows: for example, when trimming regularly it can be helpful to have an automatic list available for all cows 100 days in lactation and drying-off cows. 


When trimming the cows with multiple hoof trimmers, the Meteor App can be synchronised after trimming. Then one hoof health report is generated in the app and can be forwarded to the farmer and/or the advisor. The report gives a good overview of the current hoof health status compared to previous measurements. In addition, it gives an overview of the work carried out by the hoof trimmer(s). The report is at herd level, except for the ‘reminders’ list.

The Lely Meteor App is the next addition to the total Meteor approach. 

Lely Farm Management Support

*Please note that the Lely Meteor approach is only available in Germany, France, The Netherlands and The Nordic countries at the time of writing.
** Please be aware that InHerd is required in order to be able to upload cows from T4C to the Lely Meteor App. For example, the freely available Lely T4C InHerd ‘FarmBeats’ is sufficient.

