Barn Layouts

Whether you’re designing a new barn or re-purposing an existing structure, robotic milking will work in most barn layouts, but there are ways to optimize the design to improve traffic flow, cow comfort and the overall success of the facility. Robotic milking and grazing go hand in hand. The Lely Grazeway selection box supports efficient grazing. The cow decides whether she wants to go outside and the Grazeway indicates if this is allowed or whether the cow needs to be milked first.

By designing your barn layout with the cow in mind, you will create a calm, docile and stress-free environment that is conducive to cow health and well-being. It will also reduce direct milking labor, supplementing labor in other areas. Because cows produce best when operating on their own “natural bio-rhythm,” it is essential to provide a cow-flow system that mimics that rhythm.

Take a look at some barn layouts for organic and grazing-based systems you can consider when designing your barn with automation.

Perfect grazing
