Your story. Our farmers. Together we work on solutions that you can use. We have collected the stories of these proud farmers and hope to inspire you with that. Are you curious? Let us know and we will be happy to show it in real life!
"The cows are free to do whatever they want, when they want."
Featured stories
"The cows are free to do whatever they want, when they want."
"The robots have made it possible to enjoy other parts of our lives."
Large Farming
"The free-flow design has enhanced the herd’s lifestyle and increased overall comfort."
Large Farming
"Labor has been a big issue and that’s one of the reasons we put in the robots – labor is hard to find and hard to keep."
Cow management
"Getting the somatic cell score, the pounds of milk, the fat, the protein – everything that comes along with the data that the T4C program produces is vital to our overall goals."
Large Farming
"Why robots? It's the best way to milk cows going forward. It creates the best environment for our cows, where a cow can just be a cow. Where she's on her own clock."