Meet the Dee Family!
Clydevale Holsteins is a family run dairy business that is owned by the family. Together with Adrian and brothers Marc, Kevin, Adam and Colin, the family is managing a 2,700 acres dairy farm in Northern Victoria.
The first robotic compost barn in Victoria
The farm houses 500 Holstein dairy cows in a compost robotic dairy barn with 8 Lely Astronaut A5 milking robots. Before Lely robotics, they operated in a 22 swingover herringbone which from two milkings a day required around 10 hours in the dairy a day. The family speak about how the previous setup "didn't really leave a lot of time for any outside work, let alone having any kind of lifestyle."
The new barn is segmented into four herds with two robots designated for each herd. The milking robots milk the cows and work in harmony with the two Lely Luna Cow brushes in each section and five Lely Cosmix Feeders in total that provide fresh feed to the herds. Their Juno feed pusher runs through the barn about every hour to ensure cows are provided with an even and efficient distribution of feed.
"We're really happy with the way the cows have adjusted to it, no grazing, it's a complete change for us and them."