The impact of udder health

Maintaining good udder health is essential for maximising milk yields, reducing costs, improving profit margins, and minimizing labour. By investing in effective udder health management practices and technologies, dairy farmers can ensure the health and productivity of their herds, leading to better overall farm profitability

Udder health management is a combination of clean floors, gentle milking, thorough cleaning, and post-milking protection. Lely’s Astronaut milking robot plays a crucial role in this process. It provides gentle milking, thorough intelligent cluster attachment, cleaning, and post-milking protection. The Lely Astronaut uses the ‘free cow traffic’ principle, allowing cows to be milked voluntarily and inline with their lactation cycle. Combining this with individual quarter milking ensures a cows udders are never too full and always emptied


Udder Health - Denis Mulcahy

In control of udder health

Good -quality milk comes from a healthy udder. Having clear insights into udder health and understanding when to take action, plus eliminating bacteria and cross -contamination before each milking, can help you take contol of your udder health. Improving it and reducing your costs.

*Typical cost of mastitis per cow per lactation = £350, by Mike Steele*

Positives of Udder Health Management Healthy udders are essential for maintaining high milk yields.

When cows have good udder health, they are less likely to suffer from infections such as mastitis, which can significantly reduce milk production. Healthy cows produce more milk of higher quality, which can be sold at a better price, thereby improving profit margins. Additionally, maintaining good udder health reduces veterinary costs and avoids the need to discard milk due to high somatic cell counts (SCC). This also means fewer tasks for farm workers, as they spend less time managing infections and administering treatments. Targeted dry cow therapy, which involves drying off cows without antibiotics, promotes a healthier udder environment and reduces the need for antibiotic treatments. Overall, good udder health helps prevent the involuntary culling of cows, ensuring that they remain productive and healthy.

Our solutions for Udder Health

Lely Astronaut

The new milestone in milking

Start milking in the most consistent, tailored way possible. Benefit from a state-of-the-art system and components such as the hybrid arm and an intuitive user interface – ensuring less energy usage and more rest for cow and farmer alike. Make the difference with this new milestone in milking.

Lely Consumables

Everything you need on a daily basis for a smooth and profitable operation on your dairy farm

We offer complete solutions. These cover more than just innovative machines, they include technical support, Farm Management advice, financing, and the resources needed to operate the machines for many years without worry. We work alongside you, keeping your cows and machines in top condition and ensuring your tanks are full of the best milk.

Want to know how Lely can help with your cows udder health?

No matter what your udder health goals contains; focus on an improvement of the somatic cell count or the teat skin condition. Lely advisors can help in the total udder health approach on your farm. Together we work on reaching your set goal.

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