Flexibility and well-being for dairy farmers and their cows
Your partner for today and tomorrow
For prolonged and optimal use of machines
24/7 local support and expertise
Making farmers’ lives easier with innovative solutions and tailored services
An ambitious international family business
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Jan. 18, 2021
On behalf of Lely, the University of Milan conducted a study into the feed quality and heating of blocks of corn silage in a feed kitchen. During the days in which the study was carried out, the temperature was more than 30 ºC. However, the temperature of the corn blocks rose by only 2 ºC.
Sept. 30, 2020
Lely introduces a faster auger motor for the Vector feeding system. The higher rotational speed of the auger improves the mixing and cutting quality. As a result, less mixing time is required, which increases the capacity of the feeding system. The faster auger motor also empties the mixing tub better. This increases the feed accuracy of the next ration.
June 11, 2020
Cornes AG Corporation, the Lely distributor in Japan, installed the 10,000th Juno feed pusher. The Juno takes over the repetitive labour of feed pushing at Dream Hill Farm. This farm started off in April with eight Lely Astronaut A5 milking robots and last week, two Juno feed pushers and another eight Astronaut milking robots were installed.
Feb. 28, 2020
The basic principle of the Lely Astronaut milking robot
Lely has made some nice videos in which the idea behind some of our products is explained in a light-hearted way. In this way we also show to people from outside the sector that with our innovative automation we are improving the lives of animals and farmers.
Feb. 25, 2020
The Lely Vector feeding robot is supplied to customers equipped with a fully integrated impact detection bumper. As soon as the bumper senses an obstruction, the machine will stop. With the new obstacle detection sensors, the machine will also stop before it collides with any restrictions in its path. The sensors further increase the safety of people and animals on the farm, and can also prevent damage to vehicles that are parked along the route of the feeding robot.
Sept. 5, 2019
Lely announces its enhanced automated calf feeding system, the Lely Calm. Key improvements of the new Lely Calm are focused on optimal hygiene. A hygiene box and tailor-made detergents result in a fully automated and thorough cleaning process, leaving no space for bacteria that could harm the calf’s health.