Producing high-quality milk requires time and care. It requires healthy and happy cows. It requires making the right choices. Choices that fit in with you and your goals. Our solutions for automatic milking help you with this.

All of our solutions can be used to achieve your specific goals, whether they be a more efficient use of labour, better cow health or increased yields.

Our solutions for automated milking

Lely Astronaut

A new milestone in milking

Start milking in the most consistent, tailored way possible. Benefit from a state-of-the-art system and components such as the hybrid arm and an intuitive user interface – ensuring less energy usage and more rest for cow and farmer alike. Make the difference with this new milestone in milking.

Lely Grazeway

For efficient grazing

Robotic milking and grazing go hand in hand. The Lely Grazeway selection box supports efficient grazing. The cow decides whether she wants to go outside. The Grazeway indicates if this is allowed or whether the cow needs to be milked first.

Lely Pasture systems

Pasture based automated milking

Perfectly suited to pastoral milking systems just like we have here, automating your milking means less labour costs and leads to more efficient milk extraction and animal knowledge. What may also surprise you is you can increase your production with the Lely Astronaut.

Lely Qwes

24/7 insights about your cows

A true insight into your cows’ health prevents diseases and loss of production. The Lely Qwes cow-recognition system measures the most vital data per cow every two hours. There are tags for various aspects, such as identification, checking whether the cow is in heat and rumination.

Dairy XL

Solution for large dairy farms

Dairy XL guides larger (new) dairy farms on the path to automation and growth. By connecting humans, animals and technology together, we help these farms to produce the best possible quality and quantity of milk in the most efficient way possible.

Find your Lely Center

Curious how our solutions fit your farm? Get advice from your local Lely Center.

Unequalled service

Even after your purchase, we continue to offer you help with optimising the production process.

We can help you make the transition to robotic milking by drawing up a finance plan.

Why Lely?

Flexibility and well-being for yourself and your cows while at the same time producing high-quality milk. That is what our robotic milking concept offers.
