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Providing you with a comprehensive insight into each cow, our management system, Lely Horizon, works in real time translating data from the milking robot into useful and usable information, saving you time and money. With in-depth information on each cow, every day, from every milking you can intervene at the earliest signs of a problem to help prevent sickness, cow stress and potential production loss.
Equipped with a 3D camera which monitors cow movement during the milking process, ensuring the milking arm is positioned precisely for fast teat detection, attachment and release. With the quickest attachment time available in robotics, the Lely Astronaut is gentle, stress-free and at the top of its class for minimising udder damage, no matter the udder type.
Individual 4 quarter milking ensures efficient emptying of each quarter, without over milking or causing stress on the teat. In addition to this the Lely MQC milk quality control system offers dynamic pulsation at quarter level. This ensures a truly individual treatment of each quarter and each cow, resulting in a truly tailor-made milking experience for all cows.
Lely MQC (Milk Quality Control) is located inside the arm of the robot just beside the udder. During milking, the milk is continuously monitored per quarter. Providing accurate and timely information on Somatic Cell Count (SCC), mastitis, fat and protein and lactose (to name a few) you are equipped with the information you need to respond quickly and usually before signs of a potential problem are visible to the naked eye.
Preventing mastitis can save you a lot of money through lost production, vet costs and labour to attend cows. Our MQC-C cell count measurement is equipped to monitor every cows’ udder health at every milking. Alarming deviations will be recorded and reported to you, giving you constant control of every cow’s udder health. The system even goes as far as automatically diverting milk and in a pasture system, automatically diverting cows to a draft area for treatment at a later time.
The Lely Qwes LD-HD, a unique collar mounted cow identification and activity sensor determines health problems and identifies cows in heat at the earliest stage. Identifying each individual cow, plus her rumination minutes, general activity and reproductive cycle, you are provided with a clear indication of each cow’s current health and an accurate guide to aid precise insemination time and the ability to reduce calving intervals across your herd – without the need for traditional heat detection guides, such as tail-paint.