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With the Lely Astronaut automated milking system we utilise the most advanced technology to milk your cows, draft them to paddocks or feed path and provide you with the information so you can make informed management decisions.
To us farming is about a sustainable, profitable and an enjoyable future in farming and for more than twenty years we have been perfecting a system which allows you to have those things, including a lifestyle that allows you to be more than a dairy farmer to those who matter the most.
For most dairy farmers in New Zealand ‘full-time’ means five am to nine pm. But for our Lely farmers ‘full-time’ is self-determined. For some farmers it means checking in at the shed for an hour a day, moving feed breaks and attending to cows that need attention, such as insemination. For Lely, robotic milking is about automating the jobs you don’t want to do and putting an emphasis on the management of your herd.
The Astronaut means freedom of choice. Freedom to choose, when and how you manage your time and your business. There are no set milking times which means flexibility to choose the most suitable time for you to complete your daily routines and when to visit the shed. Not only does the Lely Astronaut allow for a more flexible work environment but it also eliminates the repetitive job of being in the shed putting cups on cows day in day out making your job more enjoyable and allowing you to spend time on the things that are important to you.
With the Lely Astronaut automated milking system you can view each individual cows Somatic Cell Count, conductivity, weight, milk production, concentrate intake, number of milking’s, rumination and of course their reproduction cycle with a click of a button. You can set cows to be diverted automatically for accurate insemination and treatment for things such as mastitis. You can monitor cows milking times, production per-milking basis and you can adjust concentrate feed levels without having to physically do the work.