The Juno feed pushing robot is one of the best, most versatile Lely products with the fastest Return on Investment, believes Customer Solutions Manager Stewart McAlister.
“As feed prices increase and farm businesses focus more on forage utilisation farmers want to make sure they are as efficient as possible. Juno is a brilliant tool to drive feed efficiencies.”
When you also consider the issues businesses have recruiting and retaining staff and the benefits to the farmer are clear, he adds. However a focus on farmer benefits can create the view that Juno is something of a ‘luxury’ product, but the difference it makes to livestock and their performance is huge too.
“Traditionally on a farm we push feed up to the feed fence maybe three times a day, but sometimes it might be only twice,” says Stewart. “The Juno, depending on the size of the farm and how it is set up, can push feed up 10 times a day.
“That means stock have better access to feed all the time and intakes will increase, particularly for less dominant animals.” With improved access to feed comes reduced sorting so that all animals receive a more balanced diet, he adds.
“As animals aren’t having to reach for food any more there is also an improvement in hoof health,” he says. “Farms with Juno report that their animals are much more settled. These benefits are the same for dairy and beef animals.”
“Overall the improved dry matter intakes mean better use of forage and less dependence on expensive concentrates. There is less waste too. We have seen that on dairy units heifers in particular perform better which can influence their lifetime production.”
Farmers with Lely Juno on their farms have high praise for the robots. Lely Center Mullingar customer Derek OHalloran says that his dairy cows are fuller, more content and relaxed than ever, since using the Juno. “It is saving us at least one hour in labour every day. The investment in the Juno is very easy to justify, as we are up 3 litres per cow per day in milk output. At current milk prices it will have paid for itself in the first year.”
Yorkshire dairy farmer and Lely Longtown customer Ben Rab describes investing in the Juno as a ‘no brainer’. “The Juno is a relatively simple piece of kit that’s cost effective to buy and we reckon the extra yield will cover its the cost within 18 months.”
In north Devon the Old family (Lely Holsworthy customers) are delighted with the differences Lely Juno has made in their beef unit. Improved feed efficiency, less waste and reduced labour inputs are all amongst the benefits alongside a noticeable difference in animals’ behaviour with a calmer atmosphere in the barns. Cattle are also reaching finished weight around 30 days sooner saving around £40 per head, they report.
“That’s why I think the Juno is such a great addition to the farm,” concludes Stewart. “I would encourage anyone thinking about it to contact their local Lely Center and explore it further.”
For more information on Lely Juno visit