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Introducing the feeding system that saves time and accompanies the natural rhythm of your herd in every possible way. The Lely Vector delivers precise, tailored rations that provide your cows with the correct amount of the right feed 24/7. As a result, every cow has access to fresh feed appropriate to her unique needs, at the time that suits her.

In addition to providing your herd with optimal feed, the system also gives you valuable insights into feed.This data is updated digitally, and enables you to adjust and optimise your feeding strategy as necessary. Frequent fresh feeding in combination with better insight into your herd can improve both milk yields and the health of your cows.

Check out what the Lely Vector can do for you

Feeding with measurable results

Smart feeding made easy

Support at every step of the way

Always the right advice


Before the Vector comes into operation, we help you prepare your farm for automatic feeding. This includes, for example, a training course on how to operate the Vector and the associated management system. It also includes advice on well-being of the cows and how to design the barn.


When the Vector is delivered, the robot is first extensively checked. Automatic feeding only starts once everything is accurate, down to the last detail. During the initial feeding, the first step after installation, we give you intensive support. Support is available 24/7.


Even once everything is working perfectly, we continue to offer support and guidance. Of course, we are always interested in knowing how happy you are and whether there are any improvements we could help with. We continually provide analysis and advice to ensure the best possible result.

Unequalled service

Questions about finance? We will be glad to help and advise you.

Regardless of the date or time, you have technical support 24/7.

When the barn equipment is working, we are there to further optimise it.

Machine care Created with Sketch.

Prolonged and optimal use of your machines with our Product Maintenance and Machine Care help.

The Lely Vector works well with

Lely Astronaut

The natural way to milk

An increased milk yield and overviews whenever and wherever you want them: automatic milking makes it all possible. The milking system collects data per cow on milk production and cow health. This alerts you on time to any changes, allowing you to devote your attention to the cows that need it most.

Lely Cosmix

Concentrate feeder for cows that deserve a little more

Higher milk yield, improved rumen health and efficient feeding: you get all of these with the Lely Cosmix. Every cow gets the portion of concentrate that it requires. The Lely Horizon management system provides insights into the concentrate intake. In this way you get the most out of your feed strategy.

Lely Grazeway

For efficient grazing

Robotic milking and grazing go hand in hand. The Lely Grazeway selection box supports efficient grazing. The cow decides whether she wants to go outside. The Grazeway indicates if this is allowed or whether the cow needs to be milked first.


Efficient feeding has a positive effect on cow health and milk yield. Mixing the right portions in the right quantities and releasing them just at the right moment requires knowledge, understanding and time. Our products for automatic feeding take on this task and are exceptionally efficient. Saving you time and ensuring the right feed at the right moment.
